Liquefaction plant
The liquefaction Plant is the key point in the virtual pipeline because it’s an easier and cheaper way of transporting Natural Gas over long distances.
Our business model is based on economical savings and shorter time schedules:
We reduce schedule times
Because the plant is already engineered & modularized, therefore we can immediately place orders to our subsuppliers; we also reduce schedule times because our equipment and piping interconnection installation can be installed in a short time once civil work is finished.
LNG 200 TND Skid Mounted Liquefaction Trains
200 TND Engineered and Skid mounted plant or train
REDUCED COST: significant cost reduction related to state of the art solutions
REDUCED LEAD TIME: below 15 months from downpayment to Start of LNG Production
HIGH QUALITY: electromechanical construction at workshop (incl. FAT), reference suppliers
Key equipment technology changes when requiring production over 200 TND. This technology change leads into specific higher costs, which are not compensated until significantly larger trains (i.e. > 5.000 TND). Within this range, N2 Brayton cycle with the proposed technology is the most competitive and safe.
Predesigned and tested trains offer clear advantages on cost and time, even if minor production is required.
As many 200 TND trains as required can be installed in parallel. Additionally, redundancy on critical items will offer a higher reliability.
Additional trains can be added to existing plants
Engineering: Plant is already engineered (only pretreatment has to be adjusted to specific conditions)
Civil Works: Skid mounted solution allows easy design and quicker civil Works. -
Civil Works: Skid mounted solution allows easy design and quicker civil Works.
ElectroMechanical Installation: Easy installation on field (limited amount of on-site welding).
Civil Works and Electromechanical Installation can be on the scope of the client.
Tested solution: 2x Operating plants + 1x Plant in construction.
Skid mounted: High Quality standards at workshop, with FAT of interconnection.
Equipment: First quality suppliers (Siemens, Silica, Tekoma, Cameron, Chart…)
Operation & Maintenance oriented design: Experience on O&M is reflected in design
The benefits are:
You can buy LNG on different suppliers
Normally LNG has more quality than pipeline gas.
Access to locations without pipeline connection and/or electrical sources
Use of a less polluting fuel
End Users:
Liquid phase: Heavy duty fuel for trucks, buses, ships, mining industry…
Gas phase: Domestic or Industrial consumers.
Other Product & Services
Virtual pipeline
When there is no Natural Gas Pipeline, you can deliver LNG (Liquid Natural Gas) from the source to the final user by a Virtual Pipeline.
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Truck loading facility
The liquefaction Plant is the key point in the virtual pipeline because it’s an easier and cheaper way of transporting Natural Gas over long distances.
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The LNG is stored in tanks and transported by road tankers at a temperature of around -161°C and at a pressure between 1 and 3 bars.
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The shipping industry needs to reduce emissions from its use of fuels. Riverships, harbour tugs, tourist & passenger ships, ferries and Industrial ship transportation are moving fast to much cleaner fuels and LNG is the only full reasonable fuel they can use.
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Regasification plant
Once received and offloaded, the LNG is returned to cryogenic storage tanks, where it is kept at a temperature around -161°C prior to regasification.
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Natural gas fueling station
Today's vehicles are filled with different kinds of liquefied gas: methane (natural gas), propane, butane and their mixtures (so-called hydrocarbon gases)
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